Workers’ compensation, or workman’s comp, is a mandatory insurance program that is designed to ensure that workers who experience on-the-job injuries or job-related illnesses are compensated for medical care, lost wages, and any type of long term disability resulting from these incidents. Physical therapy is often recommended by treating physicians as reasonably necessary treatment, and therefore is often paid for by workman’s comp. This may include physical therapy treatment immediately after an injury to aid in recovery and/or rehabilitation.

Workman’s Comp Rehabilitation
How the Condition Impacts Lives
Being injured at work can bring on a lot of undue stress as oftentimes, your injury may have resulted in less work capabilities. It is our goal to help you return to a normal work lifestyle and a work hardening program specifically designed by our clinicians to fit your needs. We know it is important to both you and your employer to reduce costs so we make it our aim to get you back to living life moving as quick as possible.
What Pick PT Does to Help
Pick PT prides itself in our patients and we always put them and their interests above anything else. Our clinicians are trained in evidence based treatment to get patients better quicker and we work closely with you and your employer to meet your specific goals that will allow you to return back to being you and working once again.
Condition FAQs
Q: Will I be required to pay for my visits?
Contact Pick PT
At Pick PT, our clinicians will perform an extensive evaluation to determine all impairments related to the condition. Following the evaluation, your Physical Therapist will teach you exercises that focus on the ROM, strength, and even nerve related issues. Due to the broad variety of symptoms following whiplash injury, your Physical Therapist will spend time ruling out serious injuries and will treat each symptom appropriately.

(208) 534-7001
Fax: 208-534-7002
2277 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6:30pm
921 S Utah Ave
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Hours: Mon, Wed, & Fri 7am-6pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm
3155 Channing Way D
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Hours: Mon & Weds 7am-7pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm
Fri 7am-6pm