Dry Needling

Dry needling has become a popular method for treatment for muscular conditions. It’s name may scare some people away, but it’s a safe treatment with multiple benefits. Dry needling is sometimes also referred to as Trigger Point Dry Needling or Intramuscular Manual Therapy. It is a treatment for the muscular tightness and spasm which can follow injuries, new and old. Joints affected by arthritis can cause irritation and muscles may tighten as a protective reaction. This muscular tightness and spasm can change the circulation of blood, causes chemical irritation of tissue and can even impact the nervous system causing nerves to be extra sensitive. When nerves are irritated, there can be a variety of symptoms including pain, tightness, loss of range of motion, loss of strength and ultimately an overall decrease in function. Dry needling has been shown to be effective in the treatment of a number of diagnoses, such as shoulder pain, low back issues, headaches, tendonitis, osteoarthritis, sprains and strains, decreased mobility and chronic pain. When Physical Therapists use dry needling, thin filiform needles are inserted into the muscles. The tight muscles often have a “twitch” response where they contract and relax, improving flexibility of the muscle and decreasing symptoms. Scientific research has shown that there are immediate and lasting changes in the muscle’s electrical activity, chemical composition and mobility. Dry needling is a technique that can often have immediate and lasting changes for patients!

What Does Dry Needling Do?

Dry Needling is used to:

  • Treat muscle spasms and tightness.
  • Facilitate muscle relaxation.
  • Create a healing response by increasing blood flow to the affected area.
  • Treat chronic and acute pain as well as repetitive stress injuries.

Currently, dry needling is offered at all of our Pick PT locations!

Frequently Asked Questions About Dry Needling

Is dry needling the same as acupuncture?

This is probably the most often asked question. The simple answer is NO. Acupuncture is based on traditional Chinese medicine principles and Eastern medical philosophies. Dry needling is based in Western medical principles of evaluation and diagnosis. Although the thin filiform needle is a common tool between the two groups that is the only similarity.

Do the needles hurt?

This is a bit of a loaded question as pain experiences vary so much from person to person. Often we are treating an area that has been dysfunctional for a long time and it may be extra sensitive. We have patients that report they don’t feel anything and some folks will report some local soreness. The needles used in dry needling are much smaller than a needle you would get a shot with.

Is dry needling safe?

This is an excellent question and should absolutely be asked by anyone undergoing any medical procedure! One of the reasons Physical Therapists are so excited about performing dry needling is how safe the procedures are. There is so much research on the safety of dry needling. The most common side effect of dry needling is some lingering soreness in the area treated for 24-48 hrs. Occasionally there may be a drop of blood and in rare cases a tiny amount of bruising. The research proves the safety of dry needling and we would be happy to share any of that info with anyone who requests it.

Can I just do dry needling for my problem?

In our current culture there are so many folks looking for a quick fix. This is why the opioid epidemic is such a horrible issue right now. Our Physical Therapists are trained in functional dry needling, which means that corrective exercises are prescribed after every procedure. We know musculoskeletal conditions require multiple factors to be treated for a resolution to occur. We’ve absolutely know patients have the best outcome when they use a prescribed corrective exercises in conjunction with dry needling techniques.

(208) 534-7001
Fax: 208-534-7002
Email: patientservices@pickpt.com

2277 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6:30pm

921 S Utah Ave
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Hours: Mon, Wed, & Fri 7am-6pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm

3155 Channing Way D
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Hours: Mon & Weds 7am-7pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm
Fri 7am-6pm