As an athlete, injuries can completely turn your world upside down in a matter of moments. No one can fully prepare or prevent it from happening. Especially ones to do with your ACL, or Anterior Cruciate Ligament. If you have ever experienced this injury before, you know it is no walk in the park and the recovery process can be extremely tough. Luckily, here at Pick PT in Idaho Falls, we can help your world become normal again.

Idaho Falls ACL Physical Therapy
What is an ACL Injury?
Before getting into the recovery process and how we can help at Pick PT in Idaho Falls, let’s discuss what exactly an ACL injury is, the background behind it, and how to know if you are experiencing it.
The ACL is one of four ligaments that surround, protect, and support the knee. These four ligaments work together so that the leg can be agile, mobile, and strong. They also connect the three main leg bones, shin, kneecap, and thigh, together. The ACL runs diagonally across the knee so is responsible for most knee stability.
When an action happens to the leg that throws off the normal function of the knee specifically, that is when an ACL injury occurs. This can cause the ACL to get twisted, stretched, or torn, which is a form of ACL injury. It usually occurs with athletes who do a lot of jumping, twisting, and pivoting during their practice or game.
There are 3 main levels of an ACL injury, ranging from mild to severe.
Level 1: causes the ACL to stretch but no real damage is done to it
Level 2: occurs when the ACL stretches out to the point of a partial tear
Level 3: most painful and happens when there is a complete tear and major loss of stability
Preventative Measures
Although there is no way to completely prevent this from happening, there are things you can do to mitigate the risk of it occurring.
- Condition and Train Properly: You will be less likely to experience an ACL injury if you condition and train regularly. If you train your body correctly, you will be less prone to an accident happening while performing in a sport, as your body is more agile in these conditions.
- Fuel Your Body: If you are conditioning and completing a lot of strength training without fueling your body, it can cause your bones and muscles to feel weaker and you will be more at risk for tweaking or injuring yourself.
Symptoms usually occur right after the incident happens and the pain will be immediate. Some telltale signs that you have damaged your ACL in some way are:
- A loud popping sound
- Swelling right after
- Intense knee pain
- Loss of stability and range of motion
- Weakness
These symptoms can vary in how intense they are depending on how much damage the ACL took. Usually, nearby cartilage is damaged in the process as well, so it is important to see a doctor immediately to know what exactly was injured and how badly.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible before the knee swells too much. They will be able to know the extent of the damage and give you the best possible treatment options based on that. Your appointment will consist of four parts:
- Consultation/Discussion: When you first get there, the doctor will ask you a series of questions related to your background, what happened, what you did, and your pain level. This will give them somewhat of an idea of the extent to which you are injured.
- Physical Exam: This will further show them specific areas that are more weak or in pain. They will press on certain areas or have you try to move your leg around to pinpoint where the pain is coming from and how severe it is.
- Tests: To be 100% accurate, they will do an MRI scan or X-Ray to take a look at the inside and have an evidence-based picture to support their treatment decisions moving forward.
- Treatment Options: After a full diagnosis, your doctor will talk with you about treatment options. They may prescribe pain meds, recommend physical therapy, or surgery depending on how severe it is, your lifestyle, and what you are comfortable with.
The Help of Physical Therapy
Whether you need help recovering from mild ACL damage or after surgery, physical therapy will be your best friend. No matter the stage you are in, it will help provide you with strength and mobility to get back to the life you love as soon as you can. Some benefits of physical therapy when dealing with an ACL injury are:
- Working on one with an experienced physical therapist to create an individualized plan for your needs
- Receiving pain relief methods, such as icing elevation, and other forms of therapy
- Education surrounding your specific injury to know your limits, best practices, and lifestyle adjustments to make sure you do not get reinjured.
- A team that believes in you and wants nothing more than to get you on the road to recovery
- Doing evidence-based exercises that will get your leg back to full function
- Learning how to use crutches properly
- A set of goals to work towards
Why Pick PT?
Physical therapy helps tremendously, especially when you have a team behind you that truly cares about your health, well-being, and quality of life. Here at Pick PT in Idaho Falls, we want to get you back to your life, as a lot of things are out on hold during this time. We specialize in working with athletes and know how hard it can be when you are out of your sport for this long. Through working with athletes, we know what WORKS. We have evidence-backed methods that speed up the recovery process but do not compromise your healing. We also have an amazing facility equipped with the best resources to utilize during your time with us. Schedule an appointment with us today so you can feel your best again!

(208) 534-7001
Fax: 208-534-7002
2277 E Lincoln Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-6:30pm
921 S Utah Ave
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Hours: Mon, Wed, & Fri 7am-6pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm
3155 Channing Way D
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Hours: Mon & Weds 7am-7pm
Tues & Thurs 8am-12pm
Fri 7am-6pm